Where Are We Now? Yujia Wang

email: yujiawangart11@gmail.com
instagram: @jiajiawang_

'Where Are We Now?' is a 3D animation film with a journey of poetry. The project is inspired by contemporary discussions on the use of AR in urban design to create immersive experiences. It draws inspiration from historical precedents of AR marketing installations that mixed reality brings multiple layers of narrative to urban spaces and has transformed the perception and use of urban space. A series of questions are gradually unfolding as to how the relationship between human and the real and imaginary spaces of the city will evolve. This project combines theoretical frameworks from the fields of media studies, urban sociology and digital humanities to explore the concepts of spatial narratives, place-making and the mediation of urban experiences through technology. Reflective speculation on the future imbalance between the development of virtual and physical space in the city serves as a reminder that urban space will gradually be transformed into experience, with lifestyles and urban structures being reshaped.