The Great Report Era Xiaochen Hou
Xiang Li 
Junyi Duan




The Great Report Era is a non-linear interactive first-person game, which displays the reflection of 5 different characters after the government of “Baussia” enacted the “Superpatriot Act” – a nationalist anti-espionage bill. The main gameplay (mechanism) is to collect the possible articles from dialogues, and to use your articles (your own Superpatirot Act) to report other NPCs to the authority; meanwhile, the player will dig out the truth of “Great Drill Plan”through that course.

The whole project aims to explore the cause of the ultra-nationalist sentiments, and to demonstrate the its influence on common people. In the context of contemporary global nationalized political tendency, ultra-nationalism as a self-protect method has its historical necessity (for instance, to protect national economy); however, the influence of that political inclination could go much worse than the public have assumed, and in some countries, it goes like a Pandora's box - once be open, impossible to be stopped. Therefore, though the story happens in a fictional country “Baussia”, the narrative made to be realistic and satirising.