Some City in a Nightmare Ah Young Shin
Zoe Shum



An Young
Zoe Shum Zoe Shum

Some City in a Nightmare is a mixed media POV film shot inside a handcrafted miniature model of the Soho and Tottenham Court Road area. It explores themes of artist positionality and responsibility in portraying site-specific stories. It also aims to emphasize the importance of preserving traditional making skills and aesthetics in digital spaces where human expression can often be lost, by using traditional mediums like collage and practical effects with punk and queer influences.

The audience follows a woman as she is flung into a surreal nightmare, stumbling through the city, catching glimpses of figures and stories past and present, well-known and hidden. Just as Soho dances between its dual cultural and architectural identities, so does the woman, as under the full moon, she realises she is turning into something else.