PugliaPark Domenico Antonio Paolillo

email: paolilloantonio2009@gmail.com
instagram: @antoniopaolillo
website: antoniopaolillodesign.com

PugliaPark is an innovative digital experience dedicated to preserving and promoting the cultural heritage of Apulia, a region in southern Italy known for its rich historical and cultural heritage, influenced by Roman, Byzantine, Arab, and Suevian legacies. Utilizing modern digital technologies and fostering creative collaborations, PugliaPark aims to bridge the generational divide by ensuring traditional knowledge is preserved and appreciated by younger generations. Additionally, the project seeks to make Apulian culture accessible and engaging to a global audience. Through immersive storytelling and interactive platforms, PugliaPark endeavors to keep Apulia's vibrant traditions alive, celebrating its unique cultural heritage and fostering a deeper appreciation for its historical significance.