"Mine: A Story on Liberation Through Movement and Dance" Teodora Serbanescu

email: teodoraserbanescu10@gmail.com (non RCA)
instagram: @itsnoteodora
website: teodoraserbanescu.com

Taking the shape of a 3-chapter mixed-media film project, “Mine: A Story on Liberation through Movement and Dance” is an informative, yet intimate letter addressed by women who experienced an early mental or physical pressure to perform, but who eventually managed to break free from the pattern through autonomous movement.
This digital environment has been created as a safe-space for female storytelling, but more specifically for women who feel ready to share their stories surrounding body-image and the implications of restrictive dance.
The storyline of “Mine” is based upon true life experiences, curated with the help of dance communities from different parts of the world, including Nepal and Romania. The immersive experience has been developed alongside multidisciplinary artists including Delyth Field, an awarded young music composer and Royal College of Music student, whose practice meets at the intersection of electronically augmented acoustics and minimalistic sounds.