Leave no one behind Ruishan Ge

email: geruishan2022@163.com
instagram: @rhearuishange
website: Ruishan Ge

In the context of the development of AI technology, the design and application of sex service robots may reflect societal prejudice and discrimination, which may create additional marginalisation of the sexual needs of elderly people. The project Leave no one behind combines the live action filming with the 3d modelling rendered video, critically creating a commercial AI sex service utopian space and trigger the audience's concern and reflection on this issue by presenting the situation of commercial sex service AI robots' indifference to the needs of elderly people. This project aims to arouse social awareness and concern about the sexual needs of the middle-aged and elderly, and promote changes in social attitudes and practices towards this group.

I would like to acknowledge and express my gratitude to @Mermin, @Duo "Любовный скотч" and @Girl On Couch, whose creative audio works were used in this project. Their work enhances the emotional depth and immersive experience of the film.